Resolve: Biblical Counselling Conversations

05 - EPISODE 2 - Living Single - Beth de Swardt - Part 2

SMTI Season 1 Episode 5

Part 2

If there is any topic that a person would choose to be experienced in, very few would choose the area of singleness. Many, if not the majority of us, expect to finish our university lives with singleness far in the rearview mirror and will question God’s goodness if it is still our reality in our mid-30s. And yet, this is the case for many in our churches.

Rightly, churches exalt marriage as an excellent God-given gift, but the lack of consideration for singleness makes life difficult for those whom God has not given the gift of a spouse. Too often, churches communicate singleness as a second-best choice for individuals in the body of Christ, leaving singles limited to the youth ministry or without ministry opportunities at all.

A great deal of the literature and programs for singles are designed around helping them to cope and seem to reflect an underlying assumption that singleness is not quite normal and certainly not desirable.

Singles life often has a way of not turning out as we think or dream - Scripture says that God’s ways aren’t our ways - so we have to get to the point where we can say that this is where God has me and this is God’s best - God hasn’t made a mistake - I can serve God as he has me for his glory. 

Teaching by: Beth de Swardt

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